Connect CLI Command Glossary
Below are all the available commands that are available when using Connect CLI.
Command | Description |
update | update the connect-cli CLI |
--version | states the installed CLI version |
--help | provides help for a given command |
autocomplete | display autocomplete installation instructions |
conf | manage configuration |
plugins | List installed plugins. |
validate-krucial-client | Obtain a token from client id and secret. This command requires the conf command to be run first. You can set conf values using connect-cli conf client-id |
api-integration delete | Delete an API integration. |
api-integration get | Get all api-integrations. If name flag is set, get api-integration by name. |
api-integration post | Create a new api integration. |
connect-plugin delete | Delete a Plugin. |
connect-plugin get | Get all plugins within your organisation. |
connect-plugin help | Get all plugins within your organisation. |
connect-plugin post | Create a new plugin. |
deployment delete | Delete a deployment by name. |
deployment delete-device | delete device from deployment |
deployment get | Get all deployments. If name flag is set, get deployment by name. |
deployment get-device-data | Get all of the device data for a deployment. If the devEUI is provided it will retrieve data for one device. |
deployment get-device-data-by-date-range | Get all of the device data for a deployment between two dates. |
deployment get-plugin-config | Get all deployment Plugin Config. |
deployment post | Create a new deployment. |
deployment post-device | Create a new device on your deployment. |
deployment put | Replace a K-Cell in your deployment. |
device delete | Delete a device by dev EUI |
device get | get all devices. If name flag is set, get device by devEui |
device post | Create a new device. |
device post-appdata-encoded | Send encoded data to a LoraWan device. |
device post-appdata-unencoded | Send data to a device. The data will be encoded by the codec defined in the Device Profile of the target device. |
device put-profile | Update a device with a new device profile. |
device put-tags | Update device tags by DevEUI |
device-profile delete | Delete a device profile. |
device-profile get | Get all device-profiles. If name flag is set, get device-profile by name |
device-profile post | Create a device profile. |
k-cell add-device-profile | add a device profile to a K-Cell |
k-cell delete-device-profile | delete a device profile from a K-Cell |
k-cell get | Get all gateways. If serialNumber flag is set, get K-Cell by serial number. |
k-cell request-reboot | Sends a request to your K-Cell to restart itself. |
k-cell request-status | Send request for information from your K-Cell such as battery level, charging status, etc. |
k-cell set-config-timings | Set frequency of status messages for a K-Cell. |
k-cell set-wifi-password | Set wi-fi credentials for a K-Cell. |
k-cell wifi-disable | Disable Wi-fi for a K-Cell. |
k-cell wifi-enable | Enable Wi-fi for a K-Cell. |
plugins inspect | Displays installation properties of a plugin. |
plugins install | Installs a plugin into the CLI. |
plugins link | Links a plugin into the CLI for development. |
plugins uninstall | Removes a plugin from the CLI. |
plugins update | Update installed plugins. |
webhook delete | Delete a webhook. |
webhook get | Get all webhooks. If name flag is set, get webhook by name. |
webhook get-responses | Get all webhook responses. If name flag is set, get webhook by name. |
webhook post | Create a webhook. |