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Bad Request - 400

This type of error response occurs when a request could not be understood by the API. Usually caused by an incorrect request for information.

For pagination issues see: Pagination

An example of a Bad Request error can be seen below:

    "title": "Device Not Found On K-Cell",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "One or more devices in the request was not found on your K-Cell."   

Title Detail
Invalid client name. Client Name for an API Integration must be between 1 and 128 characters long. Please enter the desired characters and try again.
Device Profile Codec Invalid. The JavaScript codec provided contains synatx errors. The Connect API will validate the code to ensure it is valid.
No Devices Provided. The request contains no list of devices to add to the deployment. Add devices to the request.
Plugin Not Found on Deployment. The requested plugin could not be found on the given deployment. Please add the plugin to the deployment.
Device Not Found on Deployment. The requested device could not be found on the given deployment. Please add the device to the deployment.
Invalid LoraWan Settings. The device body contains invalid settings. Please ensure the body contains a DevEui which is 16 hexadecimal characters in length and an AppKey which is 32 hexadecimal characters in length.
Device profile Activation Mode incorrect for device. The device profile provided cannot be added to the device due to activation mode. Please ensure OTAA profiles are added to OTAA devices and ABP device profiles are added to ABP devices.
Device Not Connected to K-Cell. The given device has not been added to the K-Cell. Please sync the device to the K-Cell.
Payload codec does not contain a encodeDownlink(input) function. To encode data to send to devices. The payload codec for the given devices profile must contain a encodeDownlink(input) function.
Device Profile Codec Invalid. The payload codec provided for your device profile has returned a syntax error. Please fix the error before trying again.
Given Device Profile is not valid for EU, US or AS. The given device profile settings are not valid for the region. Please review and try again.
Device Profile Factory Preset Frequencies Invalid. The given factory preset frequencies does not match the radio band provided.
Deployment Plugin Config could not be updated. The deployment could not be updated with iTwin config. Please review deployment setup and try again.
There was an issue parsing JSON details from the device profile tags. The device profile tags for a given device on the deployment being integrated could not be read correctly. Please ensure that the tags contain valid JSON and contain all of the necessary details.
Plugin credential parameters miss matched. The plugin authentication details have been misconfigured. If using OAuth authentication - Please ensure that a clientId and ClientSecret have been set. If using Password Based - Please ensure that a username and password have been set.
URL is Invalid. The URL provided for the Webhook is not in a invalid format. Please ensure that it contains a https:// prefix.
Device Profile file malformed. The file provided (YAML or JSON) could not be decoded correctly. Please ensure the file formatting is correct and all required fields to create a device profile are provided with values.