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Not Found - 404

This type of error response occurs when a requested entity could not be located in the database. Usually caused by requesting information that does not exist or has been deleted.

Example of a Not Found response:

    "title": "Device could not be found.",
    "status": 404,
    "detail": "The requested device could not be found.",    
Title Detail
API Integration not found. Cannot find API Integration with the name provided. Please ensure it exists and try again.
K-Cell Not Found. A K-Cell could not be found within your organisation with the given serial number. Please ensure it exists and try again.
Plugin not found. A Plugin could not be found within your organisation with the given name. Please ensure that it exists and try again.
Device Profile Not Found. A Device Profile could not be found within your organisation with the given name. Please ensure that it exists and try again.
Device(s) Not Found. One or more requested device DevEui's could not be found within your organisation. Please ensure that the devices exist and try again.
Deployment Not Found. A Deployment could not be found within your organisation with the given name. Please ensure it exists and try again.
Webhook Not Found. A Webhook could not be found within your organisation with the given name. Please ensure that it exists and try again.
K-Cell Not Found on deployment. A K-Cell could not be found on the requested deployment. Please ensure the serial number of the K-Cell is correct and try again.
Latest status not found. Latest status for your K-Cell has not been found. Please contact Krucial Support if the issue persists.
User not found A user with the given username could not be found for the plugin.
Deployment Plugin Config Not Found Deployment config for a given plugin could not be located. Please ensure that you have added the plugin to your deployment.